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Mobile Email - Nokia Devices

Nokia Mail for Exchange 2010 provides mobile access to Microsoft Exchange 2010 email, calendar, and contacts, in an easy-to-implement solution, optimized for Nokia devices. Designed by Nokia exclusively for Nokia devices, Mail for Exchange 2010 helps provide a virtually seamless push email experience.

Nokia Mail for Exchange 2010 is provided as an installable client for Nokia S60 3rd edition devices. Client can be used on Nokia Nseries, Nokia Eseries and other Nokia devices.

Mail for Exchange 2010 Key Features
Real-time access to corporate email, calendar, contacts, tasks
Global company directory and address list
Out-of-office notification from device
Flag status for follow-ups
Synchronization when roaming
Setting email priorities (Importance High/Low)
Alerts for meeting request conflicts
Downloading and editing attachments
Security policies for Nokia Eseries devices
Decline, accept, reject meeting request
Compose new email, reply and forward existing email
Encrypted HTTPS connection maintained between the device and the server while information is being transferred
Enhanced data compression, leading to a quicker experience when sending and receiving message
Autodiscover allows for set up of account without user providing the Exchange 2010 server name

Technical Specifications
Require the use of passwords and manage passwords policies
An administrator can remotely wipe a supported device that has been lost or stolen
Device is wiped if the password is entered incorrectly a predefined number of times
Multiple configurations include: manual, scheduled (or periodic), and always-on synchronization using Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server 2003 SP2 or later
Synchronization according to individually configurable parameters

Operations, Inc ActiveSync for Nokia Mail for Exchange 2010 is FREE to your Exchange 2010 account.

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